What About Sugar?
We all know that consuming too much sugar is not healthy. There’s no debate here.
But, it is important to note that there is a major difference between drinking fresh juice and other forms of sugar, like hyper-sweet sodas, which skyrocket blood sugar levels with their highly refined and inflammatory sweeteners. A freshly pressed juice, on the other hand, still retains all the vitamins, minerals, and healing plant compounds of the produce—just without the fiber. But isn’t it the fiber that keeps our sugar levels balanced? Yes, and a small amount of soluble fiber remains behind, which works with the nutrients to moderate the absorption of the natural sugars into our bloodstreams. It’s much more manageable.
That being said, if you are really concerned about sugars—even natural ones—you can still juice. Those with insulin sensitivity and other metabolic disorders should focus primarily on green juices that contain very low quantities of sugar. Lemon and cucumber are excellent cutters for the bitterness of pure green juice. These are ideal alternatives if you have been told to follow a very low-sugar diet or cannot tolerate most fruits.
Patients with low blood sugar, hypoglycemia, diabetes, candida, parasites, or other sugar sensitive conditions should avoid sweet juices just like they avoid sweet foods. Cravings for carrot, orange, watermelon, grape and other sweet juices is often an indication of a sugar sensitive condition.